Stop Sweat Science

As many as 3 in every 100 Australians (720,000) and an estimated 350 million plus individuals worldwide suffer from excessive sweating, which is also known as hyperhidrosis.

If you find yourself sweating a lot for no apparent reason from your body, underarms, hands or feet there's a good chance you may have it. However, our product for hyperhidrosis is not only for people that have hyperhidrosis, it can be used if you suffer from anxiety and experience increased sweat when in certain social or work situations, people that get hot easily which results in excessive sweating, office workers or night owls partying that are tired of sweat patches, gym goers that don't want to be sweating from the wrong places and end up with drenched shirts or pants, or anybody that feels embarrassed about their excessive sweating. We're not saying sweating is bad, it's a natural bodily function. However, some people just sweat excessively and this is what we want to help solve.

The active ingredient in Stop Sweat Fix causes the sweat duct to constrict, preventing perspiration in that area. Leaving the area sweat free for up to 7 days after just 1 application of Stop Sweat Fix.


Over the time skin removes old cells and renews itself, and the effect of the no sweat spray starts to wear off. However, applying Stop Sweat Fix once per week can prevent the sweat ducts from opening back up and helps to stop unwanted sweat from the area.

It is sometimes mistakenly assumed that perspiring is necessary to remove metabolic byproducts, but the kidneys serve that function, explaining why people living in cold climates have no issues caused by the absence of sweat.

Although it’s possible to temporarily stop sweating on problematic parts of the body, perspiration continues unnoticed elsewhere across the surface of the skin, allowing it to maintain the natural function of stabilising internal temperature when necessary.


What is hyperhidrosis?

Hyperhidrosis disorder is a condition that results in excessive sweating. This sweating can occur in unusual situations, such as in cooler weather, or without any trigger at all. It can also be caused by other medical conditions, such as menopause or hyperthyroidism.

Hyperhidrosis can be uncomfortable. However, several treatment options can provide some relief.

How To Stop Sweating Treatment options

There are several treatment options for excessive sweating, which are listed below.

Specialised Antiperspirant Or No Sweat Spray (Stop Sweat Fix)

Your doctor might prescribe an antiperspirant containing aluminum chloride, such as Stop Sweat Fix. Our no sweat spray is stronger than those available over the counter “antiperspirant" which is often used to treat mild cases of hyperhidrosis.


This procedure uses a device that delivers low-level electrical currents while you’re submerged in water. The currents are often delivered to your hands, feet, or armpits to temporarily block your sweat glands. However this can be very expensive, time consuming and uncomfortable.  

Anticholinergic drugs

Anticholinergic drugs can provide relief for generalised sweating. These drugs may prevent acetylcholine from working. Acetylcholine is a chemical your body produces that helps stimulate your sweat glands.

These drugs take about two weeks to work and may cause side effects such as constipation and dizziness.


Injections may be used to treat severe hyperhidrosis. They block the nerves that stimulate your sweat glands. You usually need several injections before this treatment becomes effective and this costs around $1000 per treatment. The treatment may be very uncomfortable and stressful for anyone that does not like needles.



If you only have sweating in your armpits, surgery might be able to treat your condition. One procedure involves removing the sweat glands in your armpits. Another option is to have an endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy. This involves severing the nerves that carry messages to your sweat glands. Having surgery should always be a last resort, as surgery can have many dangers that come along with the treatment.

The goal of our no sweat spray is to not only aid those who suffer from excessive sweating, but also to save their money on expensive treatments and surgeries.